Anything For Your Love Read online
Page 5
**18 years ago...
“Gabrielle, stop messing around!” fourteen year old Jada whispered across the science lab table to her best friend. “Mr. Kemp will keep us after class.”
“So what!” Gabrielle whispered back. “He’s cute!” The girls giggled as Mr. Kemp went about the week’s science lesson.
“I’m not foolin’ around with you today. My parents are picking me up early so we can go see my grandparents upstate. If I have detention, my mom will kill me!”
“Fine! I’ll behave. Sike!” Gabrielle giggled.
There was a knock at the classroom door and the school nurse, Mrs. Tater, walked in with the most serious face ever. She strolled briskly over to Mr. Kemp, spoke in his ear, and they both turned to look at Jada. Her heart sank.
“Ms. Whitman, you are needed in the office. Please, take all of your things,” Mr. Kemp spoke evenly.
“What’s going on?” Gabrielle asked.
“I don’t know. My parents aren’t coming until later. I’ll call you,” Jada replied, feeling a tightness in her chest.
“All right, see you.”
Jada gathered her belongings and headed toward the door where Mrs. Tater was waiting. “Hi, Nurse Tater.”
“Hi, Jada,” She spoke sweetly, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Is everything alright?” Jada asked, now feeling nervous. “I just need you to come with me, sweetheart.” “Alright.” Mrs. Tater led her down the hall to the office. It felt like the death row march. Although the sun was shining, she felt like dark rain clouds were closing in all around her. She knew whatever was waiting for her was not good.
They entered the office and the room fell silent. All eyes were on her as she walked past the secretary’s desk accompanied by the nurse. They were headed to the principal’s office, and she wrecked her brain to remember if she had committed some infraction. She was coming up blank. Mrs. Tater knocked on Principal Flock’s door, then gently turned the doorknob.
Jada walked in to find Principal Flock sitting at a conference table with her grandparents who she was supposed to go visit that weekend. She was thoroughly confused. “Grandma, Grandpa. What are you guys doing here? We’re supposed to come and see you,” She said, walking further in to the room. Principal Flock and Mrs. Tater quietly left the room. Grandma Whitman stood and walked over to where Jada was standing. Her eyes were red and swollen. She clutched a crumpled white handkerchief that she had given her for Mother’s Day some time ago. Grandpa Whitman was having a difficult time looking at her, and that was beginning to scare her.
“What’s wrong, Grandma? You are scaring me,” Jada said softly.
Grandma Whitman forced a smile. “Come sit with me, baby girl. We have something to tell you.”
She led Jada to a seat and sat very close to her. She leaned in to her because she wasn’t sure if the words would actually come out. “Baby girl,” She started, “I have something very sad and very difficult to tell you.”
Jada could feel the dread creeping in the room like smoke. “Alright,” She replied bravely.
Grandma Whitman drew a deep breath. “This morning, your mom and dad picked Malcolm up to take him for a check up before this weekend’s trip. You all were going to leave earlier than planned. On the way from the doctor’s office, a truck ran a red light and hit your family’s car. The doctors did everything they could, but God decided He wanted the three of them home.”
Jada felt numb as her grandmother relayed the details of the day. Why in the world was she saying all those horrible things? The shaking started in her hands and quickly spread throughout her body. Grandma Whitman watched as shock and grief consumed Jada’s body. She quickly engulfed her in a hug that only a grandma could give as she let out a gut wrenching wail.
“Baby girl, I’m so sorry,” Grandma Whitman whispered. She could feel Jada’s tears soaking through her shirt. “We will take care of you, sweetheart. No worries.” She pulled back to look at her, to reassure her, but couldn’t stop her own tears from falling.
Jada looked over to her Grandpa, who was her biggest hero next to her dad, and saw the tears falling silently from his big brown eyes. She knew it was true at that point. She fell into her grandmother’s out stretched arms and sobbed uncontrollably.
“I had a very difficult time and my grandparents did their very best. I was very angry. People you love just shouldn’t go away like that,”
Jada said, although she seemed to be talking to the window. Alex sat quietly. She turned back to him and caught the intensity in his eyes. “When I turned fifteen, my grandparents gave me a video camera to try to get me out of my depression. That’s how I made my way to film school in New York City.” She smiled at the memory.
Alex was delighted at her strength. He paused before he asked, “Are you dating anyone at home?” He wasn't sure if he wanted the answer.
“No. I haven’t had many serious relationships. They just don’t work out for me,” She replied. “I have, how do they say in Hollywood, issues.” She chuckled.
Alex realized he had been holding his breath. He exhaled. “You never know when real love will walk into your life, Jada, stay positive. And, trust me, everyone has issues.”
Was he telling her something?No way, She thought. “Enough about me, tell me about the amazing Mr. Love.” Alex sat back and smiled. He started with his family, telling of the many escapades of the Love boys growing up. He told her about his bond with Ami. She had been seriously ill as a child and Alex, being the oldest of all the children, felt it was his responsibility to look after her. They've remained very close since. He told her about college and law school. His parents made it easy for him. Finally, he talked about his job at Sinclair, Michaels, and Love. It still sounded weird to hear his name as a partner.
Jada loved the smoothness of his voice. She could easily see how a jury could become captivated by it. It was musical and soothing.
Jada and Alex continued to talk and laugh all through dinner. Afterwards, they shared after dinner cordials and continued their conversation. With each passing moment, he found himself more intrigued by her. He did not want his time with her to end, so he suggested they take a walk along Penn's Landing.
Alex held her hand as they strolled along the walk. She held him captive. She smiled as they stopped to listen to a street performer play jazzy tunes on a guitar near a railing. He thought about how intelligent and brave she was. It could not have been easy for her growing up, yet, she turned into this wonderful, successful, and sexy woman. The women he had dealt with could barely hold his attention, and he couldn’t pull his away from her. He anticipated hearing her voice when she spoke and found himself enjoying it a little too much.
Although Jada thoroughly enjoyed Alex’s company, she knew nothing could ever come of it. She lived out west, he in the east. Her history dictated that relationships were not in her future. She would just have fun for the two weeks like Ami suggested and go home. So she hoped.
Alex realized the time had gotten away from him and figured it was time to take her back to her hotel. As reluctant as he was to leave her, he knew it was the right thing to do.
On the ride back to her hotel, Jada found herself smiling out the window. She really did have a good time with Alex. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had that much fun with a guy. He was a gentleman, and the thought that one still existed was refreshing. He was intelligent and humorous. It didn’t hurt that he was drop dead gorgeous. She stole a look at his profile as he drove and smiled. The guys where she was from felt they were entitled to a woman’s attention. Alex felt he needed to earn it.
At the hotel, he insisted on walking her to her door. Ami said she would be staying at her parents' house tonight. She attempted to protest, not sure what she should do once they reached the room door.
“Walking me to the door is not necessary, Alex, really.”
“My mother would have it no other way,” He countered. “I would never hear the end of it if
she found out I did not walk my date to her door and see her in safely.”
The elevator ride was intense. Jada felt the air was becoming heavier with each passing floor. The elevator doors opened and he put his hand on the small of her back. She felt the jolt of heat consume her body. She stopped at her door and turned.
“Thanks again, Alex, for a wonderful evening. I really had a good time.” She looked up at him and his eyes were different. They were seductive, darker and hypnotic. She felt her knees weaken.
Alex had intended to simply walk her to her door and say goodnight. When he put his hand on her back, though, that changed. The air around him became charged and heated. She was unconsciously doing things to him and he was finding it hard to control himself. He watched her lips moving, saying something about ‘wonderful evening’ and ‘good time’, but sensibility left him and he leaned down and kissed her.
She seemed a little shocked at first, but quickly gave in to the passion surrounding them. He deepened the kiss as the hallway began to close in around him. Nothing and no one else mattered at that very moment. He pulled her closer as his tongue dance with hers. It was a perfect tango and she seemed to know the rhythm. She was a sweet combination of peppermint and chocolate. Her hands rested on his chest, but did not push him away, and it sent his senses into overdrive. After what seemed like an eternity and after his body hardened from the contact, he gently pulled away. He looked down at her and seemed drunk from the encounter. He knew he had to leave or he would take her right there in the hallway, on the wall.
“Jada,” He gently called her name. She looked up at him, lips still moist and slightly swollen from the kiss. She could not speak, just gazed up at him. The tightening below his belt was unmistakable.
“There is something very powerful happening between us. I can’t deny that. In two days, I’ve found my self-wanting you so bad, it borders on need. I will not take this any further if you don’t want to.” He had a questioning look in his eyes, She thought. He leaned to within inches of her lips. “But, come to lunch with me tomorrow. I need to see you again.” It was more a statement than a question.
Jada’s head was spinning from all that was happening. Her body had automatically responded to his, and joined to fit right in with his hills and valleys. She had felt the heat radiating from him. She had felt the hardness of him pressing against her body, willing her body to respond. Now, he was telling her he wanted this to go further, but seemed to be asking permission. No one had ever taken this much consideration for her feelings before.
“Jada, will you come with me tomorrow?” He asked again. She blinked. “Sure, Alex. I’ll have lunch with you.” The corners of Alex’s mouth turned up. “Good,” He said as he stepped back. “Think about what I said, Jada, I’m very serious.” He turned and walked down the hall toward the elevators.
Jada fiddled with the room key and finally got the door open. He had truly overwhelmed her. He had taken every emotion she had pushed aside after losing her family and brought them back to life.What is it about him?She thought. She touched her lips and could still feel the warmth left by their contact with each other. She could smell his cologne on her skin and knew whenever she smelled that scent she would think of him. For just a second, she thought about the possibility of a lasting relationship, and then she quickly shook it off. He just wanted to have a little fun, just like her. She was sticking to that.
Alex thought the elevator ride was tortuous. He had to consciously will his breathing back to normal. In a short period of time, he had become consumed with thoughts of Jada. He felt his body harden with thoughts of her. He didn’t like playing games, but thought the seduction of Jada Whitman might be fun. He smiled to himself as he exited the elevator and went to retrieve his car.Yes, these two weeks will indeed be interesting.
Jada dropped her purse on the coffee table, smiling at the mere thought of Alex. She couldn’t help it. He was gorgeous, intelligent, and sexy. When they were together, he looked at her as if she were the only woman in the world. As she continued to float across the room toward her bedroom, Ami appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
“Had a good time?” Ami asked with a sly grin, leaning against the doorframe of her room.
“Jeez, Ami!” Jada yelled as she spun around. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! I thought you were staying at your Mom and Dad's tonight anyway.”
Ami casually walked over to the sofa, sat, and pulled her legs underneath her, crossing them. “I went to visit them, but they had some other plans so I decided to come back. I see I made it back before you. Again, I ask, did you have a good time? And, don’t avoid the question.” She pointed a well-manicured finger at her friend.
Jada flopped down in a chair across from her closest friend, she was still grinning. “It was nice,” She finally said.
“Nice! Nice?” Ami leaned over to study Jada closer. “My cousin does better than ‘nice’. I’ve seen his game and it is much better than ‘nice’.”
Jada tried to hold her giggle, but it slipped out anyway. “Alright, it was much better than nice.”
“So, let’s hear it.”
“Short version. He picked me up, on time no less. We went to a beautiful restaurant on the Delaware River. You know, your city has a lot of rich history.”
“Quit stalling. I know all about the city where I was born! Get on with it!”
Chuckling again, Jada continued. “We ate, drank, and talked. We took a walk along Penn's Landing. He was a perfect gentleman.”
Ami raised her eyebrow at that last comment. “Really? Gentleman is what you call him?”
Jada sat up straight, “Wait a minute. Is your cousin a playa? Because I do not have the time...”
“Whoa, whoa! I was just kidding!” Ami laughed out loud. “You should have seen your face! Anyway, my Aunt Abbie would have his head if he were anything less.”
Jada exhaled and leaned back in the chair. “Anyway,” She smiled, “he walked me to the door, invited me to lunch tomorrow, and said goodnight.”
“Goodnight, huh?” “Yes, goodnight. Was there supposed to be something else?”
“Oh, I don’t know, seems to me you have yet to feel the full force of the Love charm.” Ami stood and started to head back to her room with a dramatic sway to her hips. “Brace yourself.”
“Hey.” Jada shot up from her seat. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’ll see,” Ami yelled through the closed door. “Go to bed. You have a big day tomorrow.”
Jada could still hear Ami giggling through the door as she headed off to her room. She still couldn’t stop smiling herself. While she prepared for bed and finally snuggled under the fluffy covers, thoughts of Alex floated all around her mind. The last thing she saw before drifting off to sleep was the beautiful brightness of his smile directed toward her. Sleep would come easy that night.
Chapter 5
Jada felt nervous about lunch. Dinner was nice, but Alex had kissed her again. The first time he had seemed just as shocked as she was. The second time, though, had been deliberately planned. Now, he had asked her to meet him at his office in Center City.
“Come on, girl, I’ll drop you off on my way over the bridge,” Ami called out to her.
“You know, you seem awfully happy about me going to lunch with Alex,” Jada teased.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,”Ami replied attempting innocence. “I just hate Center City traffic and I have to get over to Jersey to see my Aunt Abbie. You know, family rounds and what not. Come on!”
“Alright, but I’m keeping my eye on you,” Jada said shaking her finger at Ami..
As Ami navigated the series of one-way streets in Center City Philadelphia, Jada’s cell phone sang a familiar R&B song. She let out a long sigh knowing exactly who it was.
“Oooh, gurl! That’s my song!” Ami sang as she snapped her fingers along with the tune.
“You are so silly!” Jada chuckled as she checked the caller identification
just to be sure. “It’s James. I better take this.”
Ami cut her eye at her friend. “Can that guy handle anything on his own? You are on vacation. Let me answer it.”
“Leave him alone. He has a good heart.”
“Whatever. His eyes are shifty. Don’t take to long on the call, we are almost there.”
“Alright , captain!” Jada chuckled again. “Hello?” “Hey, Ms. Lady!” James answered excitedly. “How’s it going?” “Great, actually. Ami and I are having a good time.” Jada watched as Ami made faces mocking James. She couldn’t hide her amusement. “What’s up?”
“Remember the psychological thriller movie we met about almost three months ago?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Well, it just got the green light and some big names are interested. I want you on as one of the executive producers.”
“Oh, that’s great! Have the paper work and everything sent to my office. I’ll take a look when I get back.”
“You’ll be the prettiest executive on the project. I gotta go. Tell Ami I said hi.”
“I will. Thanks for thinking of me. Bye, James.”
“I’ll always think of you. See ya, Ms. Lady. We’ll do lunch when you come home. Bye.”
“Something is totally off about that guy, Jada,” Ami said as Jada disconnected the call. “I just can’t put my finger on it. I know that’s your buddy and all, but something just isn’t right.” She shook her head as she turned the corner. “Anyway, Alex’s building is just up the street.”
“I told you before that he is harmless,” Jada said, feeling a little nervous because the building was in sight. She rubbed her damp palms over her thighs.
“Whatever. Now relax. Alex is a lamb,” Ami replied as she pulled over in front of his office building. “Alright, girl, see you later. It’s just through those doors, on the 10th floor. Just ask for him at the front desk.” She waived to Jada as she pulled off.