Anything For Your Love Read online
Page 3
She chuckled and thought to herself,He can’t be serious. “Alright, Alex. Whatever you say.”
“Listen, Ami, we may have a slight problem,” Ty said, leaning over to his cousin at the table.
“What’s up?”
“Alex mentioned our long standing rule of not dating each other’s friends back at his house. I’m afraid my most honorable big brother might be trying to stick with that,” Ty explained.
“Oh, that is ridiculous,” Ami retorted. “We were young, that rule doesn’t apply now.”
“Yeah, well he mentioned it, so I know it’s on his mind. I also know the he is very interested in your girl,” Ty countered.
“Well, I’ll just have to make it clear that all is well and he could and should go for it. Shhh, here they come.”
As Jada returned to the table with Alex’s hand at the small of her back, she felt breathless. She recognized that his mere presence ignited a simmering fire that made all of her nerve endings stand at high alert. It was a feeling she could not recall ever experiencing with the guys she’d dated throughout her life.
Alex held the chair for her as she sat at the table and let his thumb graze the smooth skin exposed across her back. He compared the sensation of touching her skin to the smoothness of fine silk. He thought that if he weren’t careful, he could quickly become addicted to the feel of her warm skin against his. Quickly, he pushed that thought out of his head, dismissing it as ridiculous. Really, he just met her.
The foursome laughed and chuckled over drinks as Jada fought hard not to stare at Alex’s mouth. His lips had her mesmerized and she fought the urge to run her finger over them to test the softness. She loved the way his eyes danced with light and merriment. Unconsciously, she smiled at him and thought she saw his delighted expression waver just slightly.
As Alex sat across the table from Jada enjoying the company and camaraderie with his family, he suddenly felt the need to get away from her. His senses were on overload and he felt slightly out of control around her. Just slightly. Although he openly flirted with her while they shared a dance, he was unprepared for the intensity of the feelings bombarding him when he looked into her eyes while sitting across from her. He needed to regain a little control. “Listen, family, I have a huge week to prepare for and I think I should head out. It’s getting late. You ladies should head out, too.”
Ty took the opportunity to leave with his brother and talk to him. He knew the closeness they shared would come in handy. “OK, ladies, I think I agree with my brother and we’ll call it a night. Do you ladies need us to walk you to the car?”
“No, Ty. I valet parked the car, so we are good.” Ami replied.
“Don’t stay much longer. Drop me a text message when you get back to your hotel,” Ty commanded as he and Alex gathered their things, said goodbye to the ladies, and left.
Ami chuckled. “You see what I have to deal with? They still think I’m five years old.”
Jada sighed. “They are only looking out for you, Ami. It’s sweet.”
“Yeah, to the outsider looking in! They are a pain in the butt!”
“Here’s to pain in the butts!” Jada said, raising her glass and chuckling.
Ami raised hers to Jada’s laughing. “Yeah, pain in the butts!” After taking her last sip of her drink, She said, “Seriously, though, let’s go before they come back.”
Jada didn’t think that was such a bad idea.
Knowing it was a short drive to his house, Ty immediately cut in on his brother’s thoughts. “Listen, you know I got a new flat screen HDTV last week. Come by tomorrow to check it out?”
“I don’t know, Ty. I was serious about work. I have a lot to do.”
“Man, look, come over tomorrow afternoon around two p.m. We’ll hang out for a bit, get something to eat, and you can relax before your work week. We all know how moody you can get if you start your workweek already tense. Plus, whatever it is that’s on your mind right now, you can unload before you get to the office.”
Alex cut his eye at Ty. “What makes you think something is on my mind?”
Ty just looked at his brother without saying a word.
Alex sighed loudly. “Alright, just a little while. Who else is coming?”
“Oh, just a few people,” Ty said with a mischievous grin.
Chapter 3
Ami and Jada arrived at their hotel and tossed their purses on the living room table.
“Oh, wait a second. Let me send this message to Ty before he starts calling.” Ami chuckled. When Jada didn’t comment, she looked over at her. “Girl, are you alright?”
“I’m fine, why?” Jada said.
“I don’t know, you have that ‘school girl’ look. You know the one where the captain of the basketball team just asked you out.” Ami laughed as she clasped her hands in front of her heart and swooned.
“Don’t be silly,” Jada said with a nervous little laugh, avoiding Ami’s intense glance.
Her pink cell phone began to vibrate and sing a popular hip-hop song. She looked down at the screen and sighed. It was work. “Hang on, Ami, it's James.” She flipped the phone open. “Hey, James. What’s up?” She greeted.
“Hey, Ms. Lady. How is your trip so far?” James Post asked. He was one of the many directors Ami and Jada worked with. He always had good ideas and a great eye through the lens of a camera. He was extremely talented, although a little obsessive when it came to projects he was working on. Both that fact and him in general annoyed Ami.
She glanced over at Ami, who was making talking motions with her hands and laughing. “It is going well so far. I love the city. Anyway, what’s up?”
Ami came over to try and take the phone. Jada knew she was going to hang up on him. She mouthed the words,stop it,with a wide smile before returning the phone to her ear.
“That’s good. I just got a new project from a hot new film writer I want you to check out. This could be big. His name is Joey Pierson. He’s from New Jersey, not far from where you are, I think.”
“Alright, just send it to my office and I will check it out when I get back.”
“I could either forward it to you in Philly or bring it to you, if you like. You know that would be no problem for me.”
Jada sat on a nearby chair and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Not necessary, James. I won’t look at it while I’m here. If you like the project, then it deserves my full attention.” She could feel him smiling through the phone. “Plus, with the promotional event later this week, my focus will be elsewhere.” Alex's handsome face flashed across her mind when she mentioned focus.
“Alright, Ms. Lady. I will send it to your office. Talk to you later.”
“Bye, James.” She exhaled as she hung up.
Ami walked over and stood in front of where Jada was sitting with her head resting on the back of the chair. “Talented guy, but he can be a pain.”
Jada looked up. “He is good, Ami. He makes blockbusters and we make a lot of money with him.”
“He is still a pain. Plus, you know what they say about people who are geniuses. They are just a hair away from being crazy,” Ami sang as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Anyway, back to what I wanted to say before we were rudely interrupted by camera boy. My cousin likes you and you like him. I can see it. I’ve never seen you date anyone. All you do is work. Alex is probably one of the best men I know. Why don’t you go out with him while we are here?”
Jada was shocked at the sudden turn in the conversation. “Oh, Ami, no way! The last thing I need right now is a man complicating my life. People go away and leave you all alone. I’m focused right now on my career and that’s just enough for me.” She stood abruptly and headed toward the wide window with the breathtaking view of the city.
“Oh, Jada, please. I haven’t left you,” Ami countered.
“You are different,” Jada said as she looked out of the window to the twinkling lights that cut through the night's darkness.
“All I’m sayin
g is take this opportunity to allow yourself to loosen up and have fun! Not one of those industry party kinds of things. Real fun. Think about it,” Ami said. “Anyway, tomorrow we’re going by my cousin Ty’s house so I can see his new condo. It’s rare that he even lets anyone come over, so consider yourself lucky.”
Jada was glad at the fact that they wouldn’t be hanging out with Alex. She didn’t know why, but her body reacted to him in a way that was foreign to her. She didn’t know exactly what it was, but she surely wasn’t ready to test it out, nor was she ready to acknowledge it.
Alex lay in the bed, but sleep did not come easy. Thoughts of Jada played in his mind like a continuous loop. Her caramel colored skin and that beautiful hair that perfectly fit her face. Oh, that face. Her lips looked so ready to be kissed that he had almost reached out to touch them. Her cheekbones sat high and her nose was perfect. Unlike him, her eyes were dark, penetrating, and intense. Yet, he briefly saw trust there.
There was something else there, but he couldn’t put his finger on that and wasn’t even sure he wanted to. His thoughts shifted to her body. She had long, gorgeous legs, curvy hips, and shapely, firm breasts. They were full breasts that would fit perfectly in the palm of his large hand. And, she had worn those shoes to the jazz club. The ones with the mirrored, reflective stiletto heel that matched the dress she had on. They made her hips sway when she walked and defined the muscles in her calves. Although her presence commanded attention, there was something sweet, delicate, and almost afraid in her eyes. That was the part that touched him. He intended to find out what was behind those eyes. He looked down at his groin when he felt the ache. Damn! He swung his long legs off the bed and placed his feet onto the plush carpet covering his bedroom floor. The telephone rang.
“Hello.” “Alex, it’s me.” “Hey, Ami, are you guys alright? Did you get home safe?” He asked, concerned. “Yeah, yeah. That’s not why I’m calling. You got a second?”
She answered. Alex relaxed, but just a little. He thought he needed a cold shower and hoped Ami got straight to the point. “Sure, baby cousin. What’s on your mind?”
“Alex, remember when we were young and Chris dated one of my girlfriends and it ended badly?” Ami asked.
“And, you remember that other situation that ended really badly?”
He was becoming annoyed with his cousin given the state his body was in. “Yes, Ami, what is the point?”
“Well, we’re adults now, so you know that silly high school rule doesn’t apply anymore.”
“What are you talking about?” Alex asked, confused.
“All I’m saying is, the same rules we had in high school about dating each other's friends doesn’t apply to real life now. We’re all grown up. Alright, cousin, love you. Talk to you later.” With that, Ami hung up.
Alex looked at the phone. He started to call her back for clarification, but decided the shower was a little more important. The throbbing continued between his legs, demanding his attention.
He stood in the cold water, willing his body to get under control. He was a little annoyed with himself that he had allowed this woman to affect him in such a way, and the cryptic conversation his cousin just had with him. He needed to get control of the situation. Regain his role as the seducer, not the seducee. He smiled under the sting of the cold water. It could actually be a little fun. It had been a while since he put his good skills to use.
Out of the shower and feeling back under control, he made his way to bed. As he laid in the oversized king bed, his thoughts strayed back to the alluring woman who just walked into his life. There was something about her that was very different from all the other women he had come in contact with. She evoked feelings in him that he really didn’t think were possible. He couldn’t wait for the opportunity to see her again, although the feeling scared the hell out of him. Fatigue from the day’s events finally took over and he fell asleep. A dream filled sleep. Wonderful dreams of the beautiful and sexy Jada Whitman.
Alex arrived at Ty’s house around two fifteen p.m. the next day. Maddy, Chris, and Joi were there along with David, Flex, Sean, and Nicholas. Nick was David, Flex and Ami’s youngest brother who was in his last year of graduate school for engineering. He was shaping up to be a brilliant engineer, but still had to work on the Love charm thing. He was still a little brash, but he was young. Alex had not expected a full party, but he was glad to see his siblings and cousins.
They all greeted Alex briefly before David did what always got the men in the family riled up. He brought out the deck of cards and the poker game was on. Almost instantly, Ty’s convertible table was popped open and the ladies were ushered outside to the balcony.
Twenty minutes later, the game was in full swing when the buzzer sounded, indicating someone in the lobby waiting to come upstairs. Maddy answered because she knew the men would not move from the table. Minutes later, Ami and Jada walked in. Without looking up, Alex felt her presence. That was not normal. His stomach clinched and tightened, and a slight feeling of lightheadedness swept through him. He quickly brushed the feelings aside.
Ami, the whirlwind that she was, swept the room with greetings as if she didn’t just see her family the previous day. Alex smiled as he watched her moved about the room. He also tried not to stare too openly at Jada. He was finding the act very difficult to pull off.
“Man, Ami’s friend is all that,” Nick commented, shaking his head and grinning the natural Love grin. The others nodded their heads in agreement. “She told me about her a few weeks back when we talked, but I would have never thought she looked like that.”
“Yeah, Mom and Dad told me Ami was doing well in L.A,”
Sean cut in. “Maybe I need to go stay with my cousin for a while. Do a little Los Angeles crime fighting.” They all laughed.
All the Love men were single and loved it. They loved the freedom to do whatever, whenever, and it suited them fine. They also knew one of them would crack under the pressure of their parents. Each secretly prayed they would not go first.
Alex found himself unable to concentrate on the game once Jada came into the condo. She spoke to him politely as she’d done with everyone else in the room before quickly heading out to the balcony. He couldn’t get his mind off the way her jeans hugged her curves and the way her t-shirt loved her body. Oh, to be a t-shirt at that moment. He smiled.
“Alex,” Chris demanded. When he didn’t answer, he called again, “Alex!”
“What?” He glanced up at his brother. “Throw out a card! What are you doing?” He looked down at his hand. “My fault, I fold.” Then, he threw in his cards. Chris and Flex eyed him. He was a master at poker, having run all the poker tournaments during his years as an undergrad. Either something was on his mind, or he really had a bad hand. Chris figured it was not the latter.
Annoyed, Alex got up to use the restroom. Not because had had to go, but to pull him back together from the reactions he was having to Jada. Although he really wanted to get close to her, the intensity was a little overwhelming.
After washing his hands and wetting and drying his face, he walked out of Ty’s hall bathroom and straight into Jada. He had to grab her upper arms to keep her from falling. The heat from the smooth silkiness of her skin felt heated beneath his palms. The warmth from the contact with her was sending electric currents throughout his body. A free curl bounced in her face as she struggled to regain her footing. He instinctively pushed the curl back to have an unobstructed view of her face.
Stunned, she lifted her eyes to utter an apology for not watching where she was going. He caught her gaze and was momentarily paralyzed. She was simply beautiful. As she opened her mouth to say something, unknown forces consumed him. He leaned down and kissed her possessively. He claimed her mouth as if it had already belonged to him. He felt the air rush from his lungs and the blood race through his veins. He kissed her deeper and felt her body relaxed under the assault. His tongue danced with hers and he felt the air ar
ound him tighten with desire. Somewhere in the distance, he heard Flex’s voice and reluctantly broke the kiss. His breathing was uneven and her eyes were still closed. He wanted to kiss her eyelids.
“I’m sorry, Jada,” He spoke softly. She opened her eyes, but everything was foggy, like one of those dream sequences she added into movies. Upon realizing he was still holding her, she lifted her hand to the place where his mouth just vacated. Probably to make sure it was still there because she could have sworn he kissed it clear off. She didn’t see regret in his eyes, although he spoke the words. She saw passion, longing, and something else she didn’t recognize.
“Um, that’s alright. Excuse me for not looking where I was going,” She said nervously. She watched as amusement lit his eyes.
He finally released her arms when he heard Flex’s voice raised in laughter again. She felt like her feet were floating. Jeez! He smiled at her and again, she felt her knees weaken. “I’ll see you out there then,” He said.
“Alright,” was the only coherent word she could think of.
Jada stood at the door of the restroom unable to move. Alex had kissed her. Really kissed her, and it moved something deep inside her. She felt heat between her legs the more she thought about what had just happened. She rushed into the restroom to attempt to compose herself. She quickly closed the door, leaned back against it, and blew out a cleansing breath.
“Pull it together, girl. He is just a man. Ami’s cousin,” She spoke to herself in the silence of the room. She let out another deep breath after the short pep talk. She walked over to the sink and looked up at herself in the mirror. She almost didn’t recognize the slightly swollen lips that were now resting on her face.
Flustered, she wet a paper towel with cool water, squeezed it, and pressed it against her forehead, then her neck. She couldn’t believe the affect he was having on her in such a short amount of time. “This is crazy,” She said quietly. “Snap out of it!” She demanded a little louder to the image in the mirror.